Benefits of jobSAFE's Health and Safety System

Our vision was simple, make it easy to use and everyone will use it. jobSAFE provides a comprehensive suite of tools to observe, log & report on safety in the business whilst maintaining a user-friendly interface.

Easy to use

From the factory floor to the boardroom, jobSAFE has been designed specifically with a focus on the end user. There are pictures to guide you, simple drop down menus, and “push of a button” reporting. The system is also fully responsive, providing you with safety at your fingertips by allowing you to use it on tablet and mobile devices.

Don’t be fooled though, for its apparent simplicity masks a significant level of complexity behind the scenes. We have ensured compliance with legislative regulations*, and provided the tools to search and report based on the diverse needs of businesses. Our customers have seen an increase in the reporting of accidents and near misses since implementing jobSAFE, allowing them to better understand the true level of health and safety in their workplace.


Easy to implement and access

jobSAFE is a cloud-based tool, which gives you 24/7 access. This makes it ideal for companies that have many branches, employees, and/or remote locations. Whether from home or from work, if your staff member has access to the internet then they can use jobSAFE. The system is also fully scalable and can be implemented to fit your business needs. It can stand-alone or integrate with centralised payroll systems and, where applicable, automatically retrieve information. You drive the process, not the other way around.

Because of its simple user interface, little upfront training is required, which means implementation across your business is simple and quick.


Easy on the environment

We all know that health & safety administration creates a tonne of paperwork... jobSAFE gets rid of some of it! There will be a huge reduction in administration time and costs, so that valuable resources can be deployed elsewhere. No more collating reports, missing paperwork, merging spreadsheets and deciphering statistics. It is all set up to go. Push a button and receive information that previously would have taken hours to produce.

Easy on the wallet

The visibility that jobSAFE gives a business can provide huge areas of saving to any company that adopts the system. You can see at a click of a button the most common injury, where they occurred and how they were caused. Follow up actions can be flagged to resolve problems, hazards can be identified and equipment training instigated. There are substantial cost benefits in implementing jobSAFE.


Saving on direct costs:

Medical treatment
ACC Levies
Worker compensation

Saving on indirect costs:

Product damage
Equipment damage
Job satisfaction
Staff turnover & morale